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Home and Away’s Justin Morgan faces shock arrest in 23 spoiler pictures

Dean is concerned about Mac’s well-being. His sister has gone missing for no apparent reason.

Dean is concerned that the indicators aren’t promising. Mac even left her phone at home, which is unusual.

Dean has reported Mac missing. The officer at the local police station is helpful.

Friday, July 23:

Justin cleans up after himself at home. After viciously assaulting Stephen, he’s covered in blood.

Justin is already worried about the repercussions. In a fit of rage, he retaliated.

When the cops come, Justin is terrified. He’s in a lot of trouble.

A new officer has arrived in town. Nicholas Cartwright’s character, Cash Newman, is in town to see Justin.

Cash must talk with Justin. Justin has already been recognized as Stephen’s assailant.

Justin’s anxiety hasn’t subsided. There’s a chance he’ll be charged with something severe.

Justin is being questioned by the authorities. He’s been questioned about his actions earlier in the day.

Justin is under a lot of stress as a result of Cash’s actions. The rookie cop takes a no-nonsense attitude to his job.

Justin hasn’t returned to his regular self. His painkiller addiction has changed his normally laid-back demeanor.

Cash is pondering his next move. Justin, on the other hand, will not be released just yet.

Tori makes a trip to the police station. Justin is causing her concern.

Justin’s medicine is handed delivered by Tori. She says that he takes painkillers on a daily basis.

Cash provides a unique strategy. Tori can give the medicines to Justin herself, she suggests.

Tori is brought to visit Justin by Cash. Justin is now being held in a holding cell.

As he waits for his next dosage, Justin is in a bad condition. Tori is a little concerned.

Justin’s sister comes up to him and confronts him. Tori is taken aback by Justin’s actions.

Justin isn’t apologizing all that much. He wrongly holds Stephen responsible for what occurred.

Tori has to make a difficult decision. She refuses to bail Justin out because she believes he deserves a night in the cells to reflect on his actions.

Justin is incarcerated for the night. Tori’s choice has Tori’s support.

Justin has a lot of time to think about things. Will he come to regret his actions?

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