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Home and Away spoilers: Kawakawa Fox-Reo reveals Nikau Paratha’s sad body dysmorphia agony

Nikau Parata’s fading self-confidence on Home and Away is becoming a major concern, and as he continues to over-exercise and become embroiled in social media, his loved ones will soon notice the warning signals.

Body dysmorphia and eating disorders in males are seldom addressed on mainstream television, and actor Kawakawa Fox-Reo expressed his satisfaction in bringing the narrative to life for audiences to

In this interview, he talks about the difficult situations, how far Nikau goes, and how it could affect his relationship with Bella.

Can you explain Nikau’s mentality during his excessive attitude and what motivates him to go too far?

He has a lot of anxiety. He is determined to perform a decent career and not disappoint his family. He doesn’t want to disappoint Sienna. I suppose he wants to believe he’s doing the right thing, but he’s becoming increasingly aware that he’s drifting away from himself as a person. There’s a lot going on here!

How essential do you believe it is to demonstrate that guys, too, suffer from overtraining and eating disorders?

It’s crucial. It isn’t displayed nearly as much as people believe. It’s nice to look a certain way and be ‘aesthetically appealing,’ but the ultimate line is that everyone has a different sense of beauty as long as they’re healthy. You don’t need a six-pack or to look a specific way to be successful.

Everyone goes through the process of becoming at ease in their own skin. On social media and on television, being attractive is described as a particular thing. It’s simple for people to think that, yet that specific component of ‘beautiful’ is far from the only way to represent what it may be. Beauty comes in a variety of forms and colours.

Bella is first concerned about Nikau’s behaviour because he spends so much time in the gym and yells at her.

She’s quite concerned. Throughout this narrative, I believe she notices a significant change in him. That conflict stems from a place of concern and compassion. He’s so focused on becoming the ideal model that he sees Bella as an impediment at the time.

What happens to Nikau’s self-esteem when he views images of other strong men?

It causes so much havoc! It has a really negative impact on him. Isn’t it insane to believe that if I was put in this scenario and told, “You need to be more like this” if you want to succeed, I’d do something crazy? ‘In order to be successful, I need to appear like this.’ That dark side of modelling is pretty bizarre. It certainly makes Nikau feel more uneasy.

How has it been filming these gruelling and emotionally charged sequences for Nikau?

It’s been difficult. That muscle of being able to go onto set and go to that location is still something I’m learning and exercising. That’s something I’m constantly learning, and I do some emotional preparation ahead of time. It’s been difficult, and it continues to be difficult, but I’m working on it. Fans will hopefully see it on TV and be convinced!

Tane understands Nikau’s need for relaxation, but may he have inadvertently triggered him in the past by placing pressure on him?

Tane is concerned about Nikau’s safety. I don’t believe he was the catalyst for Nikau’s actions. They are a close-knit family, and everything they do is motivated by love.

What does Nikau make of his social media popularity – does he see it as proof that he is doing the right thing, even if he isn’t?

He is ecstatic about it and receives confirmation from Sienna and Allegra that his achievement implies he is on the right track. He can’t get enough of it, and I think he’s a bit obsessed with it.

What do you believe these occurrences will do to Nikau and Bella’s relationship, especially because he dismisses her work?

It undoubtedly has a negative impact on their relationship.

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