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Home and Away Mia star hints at more baby loss heartache after Ari pregnancy discovery

Mia Anderson and Ari Parata (Anna Sansom and Rob Williams) from Home and Away appear to be in for more baby drama after agreeing to have another child.

Fans are aware that couple have already suffered a tragedy, with their son Kauri passing away after only a few days, leaving them both distraught before they came at Summer Bay.

However, once Ari discovers an unused pregnancy test the next week, the couple is dismayed to learn they are not pregnant.

After Mia and Ari’s previous miscarriages, Chloe is upset to learn they’re trying for a third child and fears they’re being set up for more heartache.

Chloe is even more wounded when Ari tells her how eager they are to have a child of their own, as she fears she isn’t good enough because she isn’t his biological daughter.

But, as Chloe ultimately gives the couple her approval to continue trying for their own child, are they doomed to further tragedy?

Anna alluded to the Daily Star about Mia’s baby worries, saying that her character’s hopes of having a child would never come true.

“Of course Mia is concerned that she will never be able to have another child; how could she not be after what she has been through?” she added.

“She’s split because she doesn’t know whether she can go through the heartbreak all over again, but she really wants to have another kid.”

“That’s scary for her, and who knows whether it will ever happen to her and Ari,” Anna continued.

“But they’re both committed to making it happen, so we’ll just have to wait and see if it works out for them… it’ll be a long journey.”

Could Mia and Ari be heartbroken if they learn they won’t be able to have any more children?

After Emily Weir, who portrays Mackenzie Booth, indicated that Mac and Ari could reunite one day after their abrupt breakup, the duo could be in for much more heartbreak.

When Ari left Mac devastated and pregnant to be with Mia, she was left heartbroken and pregnant, but might the two wind up getting back together as Mia and Ari confront additional baby woes?

“Mac was extremely heartbroken by Ari’s statement regarding Mia, she didn’t see it coming at all,” she told.

“Of course she is hoping that he is suddenly going to see reason and recognise it is her that he wants to be with, not Mia, but who knows whether that will happen?

“She still loves him and was devastated by the breakup.”

Summer Bay appears to be in for a lot of action…

On Channel 5, Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.15 p.m.

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