Jack James Ryan, a former cast member of Coronation Street, recently lauded James Craven and Elle Mulvaney for playing Aaron Sandford and Amy Barlow, respectively, in a significant new story.
As the two housemates become inebriated and begin kissing in the bedroom, the drama will be delving into the topic of consenting sex. Amy changes her mind and claims she feels sick, but Aaron persists, and they have sex.
Jack, who until his departure last year acted as Aaron and Amy’s housemate and Amy’s lover, Jacob Hay, and is good friends with his former co-stars in real life, commended them for the story on social media.
In all honesty, I am beyond proud of these two for taking on such a complex and sensitive subject, he added.
They put forth a lot of effort outside of the studio to communicate this story with clarity, nuance, and sensitivity. “They have worked relentlessly to bring this story to your screens.
“I’m also proud of @coronationstreet for giving this topic the airtime it so richly merits, led by two excellent actors who deserve to tell it. I’ll be watching.
The story will involve friends, family, and the police since different individuals may react differently depending on how they define consent. In order to promote awareness of what constitutes crossing the line and how it might effect individuals, the soap is also collaborating with a charity.